Artistic Tile

A reinterpretation of delicate Venetian lacework in a stone pattern, Artistic Tile‘s new Burano pattern is available in two colorways: black and white or Pacific white. Inspiration for the collection came from an ancient legend about the Venetian Isle of Burano said to have developed its tradition for fine lacework when an engaged fisherman withstood the song of a Siren, remaining faithful to his fiancée. The queen of the Sirens, impressed by his faith, thumped the side of his boat, creating a foam from which he pulled an exquisite wedding veil. That veil inspired the intricate lacework the island has been known for ever since. Today, Artistic Tile‘s Burano is also a candidate for the company’s Tailored To program, which offers the chance to custom-design and custom-cut their own mosaic patterns or field tile sizes.

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Posted in: Bath Surfaces

Published: August 17, 2016
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