Vadara Crimson Peak Quartz

Sakura, Moon Valley, Nakoda and Crimson Peak are sparked by natural quartzite and marble.

Vadara’s Crimson Peak is one of the brand’s eight new colors released this year. Four of these are highly innovative and never before been seen from quartz manufacturers. 

Sakura, Moon Valley, Nakoda and Crimson Peak are sparked by natural quartzite and marble. They feature bold, striking designs that are non-neutral in color, featuring blue-gray backgrounds and veins with hints of green, maroon and rust. These inspired natural stone slabs are offered in limited supply, can vary greatly between bundles and are expensive. These designs could be viable, cost-effective alternatives to the natural stone slabs with the performance characteristics of quartz. 

These advanced designs show off Vadara’s innovation capabilities with non-neutral colors and the goal of gaining the attention of designers and solidifying the company’s position as a leading quartz brand. All new designs are offered in 2cm and 3cm thicknesses.

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Published: September 8, 2023
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