Task Lighting & Power 120V Bar Light

The new 120V bar light has three white light temperature settings that simplify coordinating under-cabinet lighting with room lighting.

Task Lighting & Power, a Hardware Resources company, is pleased to introduce a new 120V bar light with three white light temperature settings that simplify coordinating under-cabinet lighting with room lighting. Available for both hardwire or plug-in installation, the 120V fixture has a toggle switch that can be set to a soft white 3000K, cool white 4000K or daylight white 5000K. It also features a switch to set the light brightness from off to medium bright or full bright.

The white light selectable bar light is an excellent option for a wide range of residential and commercial applications. In the home, it can be installed in the kitchen, bath, laundry room, home office or garage workbench.

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Posted in: Kitchen Lighting

Published: April 4, 2023
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