
The new 4VDO Series vanity drawers that store makeup, hair appliances and toiletries in one complete drawer system.

Rev-A-Shelf introduces vanity drawers that conveniently store makeup, hair appliances and toiletries together in one complete drawer system. The new 4VDO Series is designed for 12-, 15- and 18-in. vanity base cabinet drawers and feature maple construction with non-skid vinyl lining, BLUMOTION soft-close slides and easy installation. The complete storage drawers include up to seven storage compartments and up to five acrylic bins for customizable storage at your fingertips. The 4VDOHT Series features a half-top tray while the 4VTDOT Series features a full-top tray; both glide back on ball-bearing slides to give complete access to the drawer below.

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Published: February 13, 2019
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