
Maytag’s top-load Bravos XL series offers a cold wash cycle that provides the cleaning performance of a warm water cycle.

Maytag’s top-load Bravos XL series offers a cold wash cycle that provides the cleaning performance of a warm water cycle with the energy savings of cooler water. During the cycle, concentrated detergent is sprayed evenly onto the load in a fan pattern while the basket slowly spins to provide maximum coverage. The basket then spins slightly faster to pull the detergent through the fabric fiber, and an active soak phase provides time for enzymes in the detergent to latch onto and break down stains. All washers in the Bravos XL series meet the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) Tier III energy specifications and use up to 76 percent less water and 78 percent less energy compared to pre-2004 traditional top-load washers.

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Posted in: Laundry

Published: September 7, 2012
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