Karndean Designflooring

Karndean Designflooring has added six new products to its LooseLay Longboard range.

Luxury vinyl tile specialist Karndean Designflooring has added six new products to its LooseLay Longboard range. Featuring 59-in. planks, this non-interlocking floating range is notable for its multi-directional planks, speedy install time, acoustic properties and individually replaceable planks. The company developed the new LooseLay Longboard visuals from the delicate variation of European Oak and the rustic beauty of American Pine. New designs include:

Fabric Oaks: Influenced by weathering applications in textile design, the new fabric oak design, explores the effect of weathering beyond what happens when wood is exposed to the elements – a softer and more worn approach. Cross-sawn patterns skip through the boards, creating a layered effect, as though fabric has been worn directly onto the plank. This design is available in three colors: Worn Fabric Oak, Shadow Fabric Oak and Urban Fabric Oak.

European Oak: In addition to the Fabric Oaks, one additional design was also developed from European Oak, a wood known for its subtlety and soft features. Like the Danish “hygge” style, the color and delicate grain within Vanilla Oak denotes a quality of coziness, evoking feelings of contentment and well-being.

American Pines: The American Pine design was developed from barn boards from Pennsylvania’s Allegheny Mountain region. These barns were used for drying tobacco in the late 1800s and early 1900s, inspiring the coloring and aged character of the design. Uneven wear in the original varnish highlights the character and grain of the boards. Colors include Weathered American Pine and Distressed American Pine.

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Karndean LooseLay products are ideal solution for homeowners who are interested in changing their floor frequently or reducing noise transfer to rooms below. They can be laid over most existing hard floors with minimal preparation, as well as over subfloors with an RH of up to 95 percent.

Posted in: Bath Surfaces

Published: May 1, 2019
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