Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet

The Hybrid Fire Grill offers the freedom to combine wood, charcoal and gas fires

Versatility and cooking power are the hallmarks of Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmets stainless steel Hybrid Fire Grill. It gives outdoor cooks the freedom to use any combination of wood, charcoal and gas fires.  The key to its tri-fuel capabilities is the Hybrid Fire Grilling Drawer. Located below the cooking surfaces and above the grill’s Dragon Burners, the drawer can be loaded with splits or chunks of wood or any kind of charcoal for an authentic live fire cooking experience. Its perforations easily discard ash into an oversized clean-out bin below.

With a real wood fire or the dry heat of charcoal, the gas Dragon Burners (25,000 Btu each) start the cooking fire and can be left on for a boost of heat as the charcoal or wood burns down. For gas-only cooking, just leave the Hybrid Fire Drawers empty. The perforations and angled design diffuse the heat from the burners. The H-shaped Dragon Burners sit farther below the grill grates than other grills, delivering heat more evenly, minimizing flare-ups and preventing cold spots. The burners cook at a low-and-slow temperature or crank up to a searing 750 degrees Fahrenheit. When using charcoal or wood, the grill’s temperatures extend all the way up to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat travels through the grill’s three-ft. cooking chamber in a convection-like current. Hand built in the Kalamazoo area of Michigan, the Hybrid Fire Grill in available in three sizes and nine models, including built-in and freestanding options.

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Posted in: Outdoor Living

Published: July 24, 2016
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