Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet

Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet‘s outdoor refrigerators and refrigerated drawers are built to keep their contents cold no matter how hot it gets outside – even as hot as 110°F. Working with Perlick, Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet offers a collection of outdoor refrigerators and freezers.

Advanced insulation technology keeps cold in and heat out. A variable speed compressor pumps cold air efficiently while forced-air cooling chills faster. It works much like a home’s air conditioner to constantly keep cold air moving. Full-extension, vinyl-coated shelves extend beyond the refrigerator cabinet, making items easy to get to and ensure that wine bottles don’t rattle. Optional glass doors offer beauty and brawn since they are charged with argon gas and use “warm edge intercept” technology to lock in the cold. Energy-efficient LED backlighting lends ambience to the interior of refrigerators with glass doors.

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Posted in: Outdoor Living

Published: April 21, 2017
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