Imagine Tile

Imagine Tile introduces a new tile series designed by American décorateur-ensemblier Guillaume Gentet

Imagine Tile introduces Trellis, a new tile series designed by award-winning American décorateur-ensemblier Guillaume Gentet. The eight-in. by eight-in. tile features a three-toned, large-scale lattice pattern in alternating dark and light hues. Customization of color variations and sizes is now available. 

Using a patented process, the commercially rated tile is stocked in a matte finish, suitable for indoor and outdoor use. The tile contains no VOCs and is resistant to strong chemicals and UV lighting, allowing it to contribute credits toward obtaining LEED certification. Gentet’s full collection will be unveiled throughout 2015, and will include a series of patterns that complement each other and can be mixed and matched.  

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Posted in: Kitchen Surfaces

Published: May 14, 2015
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