Eldorado Stone

Eldorado Stone introduces two modern and versatile greys: Cumulus Vantage30 and Cannonade Cut Coarse Stone.

Eldorado Stone widens the possibilities for creative design, introducing two modern and versatile greys: Cumulus Vantage30 and Cannonade Cut Coarse Stone. Cumulus, a new color in Vantage30, partners soothing greys with the gentle textural surface of the profile. The modern, clean-cut lines of the stone create a contemporary appearance that is augmented by the variable wispy shades of grey. Cannonade adds a monochromatic grey canvas to the presently warm palette offerings in Cut Coarse Stone. This modern linear-style profile, reminiscent of saw-cut Turkish limestone, adds a depth of texture through layers of warm overtones and subtle white highlights.

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Posted in: Outdoor Living

Published: June 16, 2018
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