Dura Supreme Paper Towel Drawer
Dura Supreme has introduced its Base Recycling Center pull-out cabinet with a Paper Towel Drawer. The new release creates a convenient clean-up work zone with a dedicated, easy-to-access space for hiding away your paper towel holder/dispenser, waste bin and recycling bin all in one central location.
The paper towel holder is designed to fix standard sized paper towel rolls. The dowel is removable to make restocking each new roll a breeze.
When your hands are full or wet, Dura Supreme’s standard Touch Latch mechanism allows you to open the Base Recycling Center cabinet and Paper Towel Drawer with the touch of a knee, helping to keep your kitchen looking spick and span. Another hands-free solution is the optional SERVO-DRIVE. This feature fully opens the unit when the door is touched. The Base Recycling Center is available with a single 35 qt. wastebasket, double 23 qt. wastebaskets or double 35 qt. wastebaskets.