Boråstapeter Studio Concept Wallpaper

The Boråstapeter Studio concept is wallpaper with unique motifs and patterns that are customized and printed to order in 60 magical design patterns.

Swedish brand Boråstapeter is now launching the Boråstapeter Studio concept, wallpaper with unique motifs and patterns that are customized and printed to order. In the concept you will find 60 magical design patterns.

Boråstapeter Studio makes it possible to let a large motif fill an entire wall, turn a room into a lush oasis or evoke the illusion of a sky in the ceiling. Let whales sail through a starry sky or huge flowers to grow up over a limestone surface. Boråstapeter Studio challenges what a wallpaper can be and what role it can play in a room.

Boråstapeter is proud to create wallpaper for all homes, even for those who are bolder when it comes to color and shape. In Boråstapeter Studio, the designers get space to experiment with innovative motifs and patterns. The goal is to create wallpaper that reflects a personality and makes the home distinct.

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Published: August 25, 2022
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