Baldwin Hardware Graphite Nickel Finish

Baldwin Hardware has announced the launch of a new Lifetime PVD finish, graphite nickel.

Building upon its heritage as a leader in the hardware innovation and design category, Baldwin Hardware of Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc. has announced the launch of a new Lifetime PVD finish, graphite nickel. An exploration into darker nickel tones, the finish takes historical cues from the antique nickels and pewters in the traditional space and expands to a broader mix of transitional and contemporary appeal. The new finish provides a fusion of warmth while picking up cool tones. Graphite nickel will be the fifth Lifetime PVD finish in the Baldwin collection and will span across the Estate Portfolio. This includes Baldwin’s Quick Ship Program, which promises that products are shipped within five days of purchase.

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Posted in: Kitchen

Published: March 10, 2023
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