Artistic Tile Sfera by Alison Rose

Launching this month, Sfera by Alison Rose is Artistic Tile’s latest release. It is composed entirely of circles.

Launching this month, Sfera by Alison Rose is Artistic Tile’s latest release. It is composed entirely of circles – circles that overlap, that intersect, that overlay – cutting new shapes into the voids between. Sfera’s circles embrace subtlety in some colorways, and high-contrast in others.

For Rose, the new collection is a celebration of togetherness. She drew her inspiration from cells and arranged the pattern in triplets, just as living cells are composed of three main parts. The colors of stone are placed randomly within each triplet, ensuring an intentional asymmetry of color that adds an unexpectedness to the design. This randomness also ensures that no two installations of Sfera will ever be the same. 

As Rose’s third design with Artistic Tile, Sfera brings the designer full circle to her earlier designs – using elemental, basic shapes to make sophisticated patterns.

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Posted in: Bath Surfaces

Published: November 28, 2022
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