The eye-catching effect is magnificent: book-match design from Antolini captures full attention on and communicates all the strength of natural stone, its uniqueness and its ability to create striking settings. At first sight, it is a repeated pattern, but since nothing in nature replicates itself identically, the book-match design requires great expertise in the selection of the most suitable stones, in the processing and, last but not least, in the laying.
The processing of natural stone to obtain the book-match design follows a series of precise steps that guarantee a high-quality aesthetic result. The first stage is about the accurate selection of the block of natural stone, (whether marble, granite or travertine), as it needs to have suitable aesthetic and structural characteristics. The quality of the block is crucial to achieve a smooth and stunning final effect. Next, the block is cut into slabs of even thickness using diamond wire saws or disc-cutting machines. The direction of the cut is critical to achieve the desired pattern. The cut slabs are then numbered and marked in sequence to maintain the correct order during further processing, thus ensuring the continuity of the veinings.
At the core of the creation of the book-match design is the quest for perfect symmetry: the slabs are in fact mirrored to generate the pattern; each pair of slabs is rotated 180 degrees with respect to an axis – vertical or horizontal – and, right after, the starting points of the veins converge. During the installation, the slabs are precisely jointed to ensure that the veins align perfectly. This requires careful work and the use of specific adhesives and resins to ensure a stable and durable joint.
The natural stones most recommended for this type of laying are those with more intense veining and more pronounced color transitions, as they then generate more striking geometries. After the block of stone has been chosen, the project gets specifically tailored, both because each stone is unique and because the subsequent application will have to be designed as if it were a ‘stone dress’, thus taking into account the characteristics of the final location.
Stones with this type of design are particularly suitable for use as cladding, either of entire walls or floors, or for furnishings, including, for example, kitchen islands, table tops, or any support surface.
The larger the space to be devoted to the stone, the greater the outcome (while also increasing the level of complexity); a wall entirely covered with a stone laid in an open spot has in fact a stunning scenic effect. Antolini’s expertise, in team with designers and architects, will lead to the definition of stunning projects, where book-match laying will result in excellence.