ALVIC USA Cabinets

The manufacturer of cabinet doors and panels, introduces three new product lines.

ALVIC USA, manufacturer of cabinet doors and panels, introduces three new product lines.

Luxe is a high-gloss lacquer surface that boasts visual depth and high-quality image reflection, along with scratch resistance, a clean-look and seamless edges. The Zenit line offers a sought-after super-matte finish with a silky feel combined with excellent physical and mechanical performance. The Syncron collection, offering natural-look textures and designs, is the result of vertical integration in manufacturing and control for thermo-fused textured board production. The collection offers a deep and complete range of wood grains, stone, marble, textiles, leather, concrete and oxide finishes that provide a natural and organic feel to any furniture element or commercial project.

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Published: August 21, 2021
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