Many designers utilize feng shui principles to better harmonize people and their living and working environments. Using search- and data-analytics tools, took a deep dive on Pinterest to identify the most popular feng shui design trends of the past year.
Topping the list with 225,065 pins is wooden décor. Incorporating wooden textures and tones into the home promotes strength, stamina and growth. PW spokesperson Joyce Olsen suggested, “Utilizing wood as the primary base for statement features such as tables, wall features and frames allows for a consistent wooden element without darkening the interior.”
Blue décor ranks second, with 211,235 pins on Pinterest. In feng shui, blue is associated with calmness, peace and healing as the color that represents water, the symbol of self-nourishment and spirituality. “Focusing on incorporating ocean-like shades such as Maya blue and/or Bondi blue into the home will best harness the colors’ energy,” said Olsen.
The third most popular feng shui interior trend of 2021 is red décor, with 191,832 pins. Red is the most prosperous color in feng shui, used to promote success, wellness and luck. “As a vibrant and emotive color, a splash of red no matter how small will bring a burst of energy and positivity to a room,” Olsen noted. “However, select the tones wisely as most reds will clash and create a chaotic instead of calming atmosphere if brought together.”
Here are the additional design trends and their significance in feng shui that round out the top 10:
- 186,642 pins: Decorative candles; purifies energy
- 173,729 pins: Gray décor; stability, clarity and wisdom
- 164,461 pins: Metallic décor; righteousness, integrity and joy
- 154,153 pins: Painted doors; promotes the entry of strong and positive energy
- 151,473 pins: Green décor: abundance, renewal and progression
- 117,896 pins: Yellow décor; positivity, humility and wealth
- 100,659 pins: Indoor sculptures; to inspire