Effectively Working with the Whole Project Team

Published: August 3, 2022

On our most recent KBB – From the Tap podcast, we spoke with designer Killy Scheer, owner of Austin-based Scheer & Co., about how to work effectively with the entire project team. She works with a variety of team members, including internally and externally, all of whom are relevant in completing a successful project.

Scheer has an initial meeting with her internal team before each project to go over site photos, drawings and conversations she has had with the clients. They determine the project goals and everyone’s roles and responsibilities. The designer also has a more detailed Q/A with the clients to get more information, and she goes into more detail on those questions in our interview.

Scheer shared her tips for communicating with the external project team as well, which includes the contractor, subcontractors, fabricators, installers, etc. They develop a tight drawing package up front and take ample notes/documentation based on discussions with the various tradespeople throughout the process. They schedule weekly follow-ups as well to make sure everyone is on the same page and that the project is still running smoothly.

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The designer and her team also strive to provide a stress-free experience for their clients – also a part of the project team – and believe in a collaborative approach. This approach is the same one they take with vendors, as well, and they rely heavily on their expertise. Scheer has a person on her team who is directly involved in procuring product and overcoming those kinds of issues, and she goes into more detail on her important role during our discussion.

The designer says she and her project team try to stay as close to original product selections as possible when they run into procurement issues or if something has been discontinued. They start off communicating with the original brand to see if they can find a suitable replacement. If that doesn’t work, they send as much detail about the selection to other vendors to see if they have something similar.

Another big project challenge is site conditions and what surprises can be found once the walls come down. Scheer has some tips for what you can do before the design plans are final to minimize those issues.

She also talked about what it’s like working with architects on projects and how to determine which role will take the lead. To learn more, watch the full video above or listen to the podcast on SpotifyGoogle PodcastsApple PodcastsPandora and other outlets.

Tagged with: Kitchen, Bathroom

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