Dura Supreme Hosts Annual Kid’s Switch Day

Published: December 4, 2022

Dura Supreme Cabinetry recently celebrated their 30th annual Kid’s Switch Day. What started out in November of 1992 as a Cub Scout project is now a highly anticipated company event every year. Each year fifth graders who are children or grandchildren of a Dura Supreme employee have the opportunity to participate in the event.

The day is filled with fun educational games, a tour of the Dura Supreme factory where they learn first-hand what their parents and grandparents do each day, discuss what it means to be a good employee, movie time and more. The day wraps up with a hands-on activity where each child gets to build their own cabinet to take home as a keepsake to remember the day.

cabinet factory tour

Employees and their families share the memories of this day for many years. “This is an awesome experience for the children!” said Maria Dupont, professional expediter for the company. “My kids are in their 30s and they still have the sweet little cabinet they built a ‘few’ years ago.”

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Another employee from the  marketing team, Mary Beth Decker, said, “It’s a very cool thing for the kids to be able to come and see first-hand what their parents and grandparents do every day at work.” Decker continued, “Over the past 20+ years that I’ve been with Dura Supreme, I’ve enjoyed volunteering for the event and had the honor of having 16 of my own grandbabies attend.”

A retired Dura Supreme craftsmen, Dennis Berglund said, “I remember my grandkids doing this many years ago!”

Karen Wistrom, VP of marketing for the company, said, “The kids appeared to thoroughly enjoy the day while learning about Dura Supreme and getting to see where their parents and grandparents work. It was evident many of the children had a sense of pride that their parent or grandparent worked here. This is a great event supporting community outreach and it represents the overall culture at the firm.”

Dura Supreme Cabinetry is Wright County’s largest privately-owned employer and has been producing Minnesota-Made cabinetry products for nearly 70 years. “For anyone looking to be part of a company that has a strong history and a well-established culture based on a legacy of quality, family values and craftsmanship, Dura Supreme is a great place to be,” said Wistrom. “Our Dura Supreme community has been continuously growing throughout the years. Right now we are recruiting new team members in several departments all across our factory for both first and second shifts.”

Tagged with: Cabinets

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