Adam Gibson, CMKBD, CLIPP, CAPS, an architectural designer based in Carmel, Ind., takes a proactive stance with his practice, building on success and broadening its services. With an ear for listening and an eye for design, Gibson works to help homeowners identify and achieve their special spaces.
How does your background influence the way you approach the design business?
Adam Gibson: As a recovering general contractor, the people who construct our designs appreciate how we incorporate structural components that can be built in real life rather than drawing something super cool that defies gravity, hoping the contractor will figure it out. Because of this, we strive for outside-the-box designs unique to each project and are finely tuned to excellent craftspersonship and quality materials.
What has been your biggest business challenge – and how did you resolve it?
Adam Gibson: In times of flux in the building industry, we focus on what we can do better and how that manifests in our approach to marketing. In 2009, during the Great Recession, rather than freaking out, we worked on the business rather than in it. We developed a marketing plan to set us up for success once the economy recovered. We are also a diversified team. Not only do we provide comprehensive architectural design services, but photography is increasingly vital to our industry, and this is our added specialty. Architectural photography is now a considerable portion of our business.
What is the most important career lesson you have learned?
Adam Gibson: There’s always room for improvement; knowing when to wrap up a project is key. We approach our work with precision, but there’s a thin line between precision and perfection. While a project may never feel finished, we must know when to acknowledge that it’s beautiful without additional fine-tuning.
What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about entering the design business?
Adam Gibson: Select an area of interest that you love and take a deep dive. As a group of creatives, we love what we do and feel this is the most essential criterion for choosing a profession. Integrity and dependability are also foundations for success. Regarding customer service, being respectful, imaginative, going the extra mile and overdelivering helps, too!
What has design taught you about life?
Adam Gibson: Listening is understanding. To convert our client’s (guided) vision into reality, we must first understand their wishes. Our firm leans towards modern and minimalist; however, more often than not, clients favor familiarity over originality. Design that makes them comfortable also makes them happy. Even if they appreciate cutting-edge design, this approach may not be the right fit for their lifestyle. We do our best to honor each client, not project our wishes upon them. It’s their home, and we want them to love it! After all, they are our best ambassadors.